How to Get a Divorce in Alberta: 4 Tips to Save you Time and Money

December 25, 2013|Separation & Divorce, Uncategorized|

If you are applying for an Alberta Divorce, you can benefit from these 4 time and money saving tips, even if your situation is contested. CAUTION: the information found in this blog is general in nature, and does not constitute legal advice. Some of the tips found in this article may not benefit you or produce the results you desire. Use your own judgment or seek legal advice if you choose follow them. Alberta Divorce Preparation - Property Before filing for a divorce in Alberta, you need to decide if you wish to include a claim for division of matrimonial property[...]

Reduce Conflict with Your Ex-Spouse Using These 3 Simple Parenting Tips

December 25, 2013|Separation & Divorce|

Reduce Conflict with Your Ex-Spouse Using These 3 Simple Parenting Tips Truth be told, I am not a parent and spend little time with children. Who am I to preach parenting tips? I am simply an outside person who is not emotionally involved with your situation. Though some of these tips may not be new to you, think about them and decide if you would benefit by actively practicing some of these tips, right now. Parenting Tip #1 Do you and your ex-spouse fight about how to raise your children? My first parenting tip is to think about 5 parenting[...]

Is an Alberta Divorce Recognized in the Philippines?

November 13, 2013|Separation & Divorce, Uncategorized|

Alberta Divorce  vs Philippines AnnulmentYou may get a divorce in Alberta if you were married in the Philippines provided you or your spouse have been ordinarily resident in the Province of Alberta for at least 12 months prior to filing a Statement of Claim for Divorce.  However, your divorce may not be recognized in the Philippines if one of the spouses is not a Canadian Citizen when the divorce in Alberta has been obtained.  This may not be a concern for the spouse residing in Canada if:They never intend to re-marry in the Philippines;They are not concerned whether the divorce[...]

When do you divide assets in a divorce?

September 8, 2013|Separation & Divorce|

Question: In divorce, is the property, assets and debts divided as of the date of separation, the date we started to divide everything or the current date? Answer:  Its Negotiable I believe the division of property, assets and debts as of the date of separation is 100% acceptable if what transpired after is fair.  If not fair, then maybe a division as of current dates might be more suitable.  Or if the current date is chosen and not particularly fair to party 2, then sometimes this can be simply remedied by negotiation (example: party 1 gives party 2 an extra[...]

Child Travel Authorization Form Canada

February 17, 2013|Separation & Divorce, Uncategorized|

Child Travel Authorization Form Canada Permission to Travel with Children Your children and babies need their own passports. Extra documents may be required such as birth certificate which shows who the child's legal parents are. If one parent is deceased; you may need to bring a death certificate. If you are travelling without the other parent, you may need a legal document showing you have sole custody of your child, a Court Order that grants you permission to travel with the child or a Parental Consent Letter (see Sample Travel Authorization below). Click here for SAMPLE Travel Authorization for Children[...]

Uncontested Divorces in Alberta

January 23, 2013|Separation & Divorce, Uncategorized|

How to Qualify for an Uncontested Divorce in Alberta You can file for an uncontested divorce in Alberta if: you or your spouse have resided in Alberta for the past 12 or more months; you and your spouse agree to all matters concerning property, assets and debts; if spousal support is an issue, you and your spouse are in agreement with spousal support; and if there are dependent children, you and your spouse are in agreement with custody, access and child support. Is your spouse unwilling to accept personal service?  This does not make the divorce 'contested'.  It just means[...]

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