Special Topics & Resources


Published On: March 13, 2020

COVID-19 Action Plan

Dear Clients,

In our continued efforts to participate in the appropriate measures regarding the COVID-19 situation, please consider the following questions:

  • Have you been in contact with anyone that has been diagnosed with COVID-19?
  • Have you or someone you have been in contact with been instructed by another health care professional to self-isolate in the past 14 days?
  • Have you or someone you have been in contact with traveled outside of Canada in the past 14 days?
  • Do or someone you have been in contact with you have any of the following symptoms: fever, cough or shortness of breath?

If you have answered YES to any of the above questions, we are requesting that you reschedule your appointment until after the recommended 14 day waiting period.

We encourage the following guidelines set out by Alberta Health:

  • To protect yourself, use good hygiene practices, such as frequent handwashing
  • Cover coughs and sneezes
  • Avoid touching eyes, nose and mouth with unwashed hands
  • Stay at home and away from others if you are feeling ill

If you have symptoms like fever, cough or shortness of breath, please do not go to a health care facility. Rather, contact Health Link 811 for assessment and testing.

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