1. Park in “Staff Parking” for Canada Border Service Agency (Canada-CBSA) & USA Customs and Border Protection (USA-CBP).
  2. Walk to the US Customs office.
  3. Tell them you are there to get Biometrics for your I-192 Waiver Application.
  4. Be sure to have your passport and Waiver Package.
  5. Follow their instructions.


  1. Drive to the USA Customs and Border Protection (USA-CBP) Port of Entry.
  2. Tell them you are there to get Biometrics for your I-192 Waiver Application.
  3. Be sure to have your passport and Waiver Package.
  4. Follow their instructions.

CAUTION:  if you arrive at the port and you do not currently have a valid Waiver, they will flag you as having been denied entry. This is for their records to signify you are aware of your inadmissibility and are not attempting to enter.  This is why I think it is better to walk to their office (though sometimes it makes them cranky that you did not stay in your vehicle and exit when instructed to do so). By walking to their office (a) your vehicle does not get inspected (b) it is solid proof you are only handing there for biometrics and you are not attempting to ‘enter’ and (c) Canada CBSA won’t be able to inspect your vehicle on your return to Canada (ie. if you drive up to the USA-CBP port you end up on their soil and have to turn around and go through Canada-CBSA after the biometrics is complete).