Free Divorce & Separation Agreement Resources
Simple Steps to Getting a Legal Separation Agreement in Alberta Learn simple steps to getting a Legal Separation Agreement the friendly and affordable way. Go to the right of this blog and opt-in for your free guide now. This free guide includes: tips and strategies for keeping it friendly; answers to commonly asked questions; and links of free resources (some of the free resources are also listed below...check the free guide for more!). If you and your spouse are willing to cooperate, these strategies will help you both minimize the back and forth between lawyers and keep your legal[...]
Free Child Support Calculations in Canada using the Federal Child Support Guidelines
Federal Child Support Calculations Child support calculations in Canada are based upon Federal Child Support Guidelines. Since these guidelines are clear (for the most part) and established by law, parties are less likely to fight over the amount of child support when these guidelines are followed. Long gone are the days when child support was a subjective matter and different amounts could be ordered in similar situations, often leading parties to feel that they were treated unfairly. Under the new Guidelines, everyone is treated the same way. Challenges can arise, however, when determining income for self-employed persons, when income is[...]