Off the Record – Irrelevant Criminal Record Discrimination

January 23, 2013|Record Suspension, Uncategorized|

Criminal Record Discrimination Costs Taxpayers and Puts the Public at Greater Risk Did you know that criminal record discrimination puts the offender at greater risk of re-offending? Somehow we have to create more employment opportunities, even if supervised, for ex-offenders to ensure they stay employed, gain valuable work experience and stay out of trouble.  Often, employment will help in the rehabilitation process. Types of Criminal Record Discrimination Individuals can face criminal record discrimination, even if their criminal record is pardoned (or suspended).    The Pardon Program (now called Record Suspension) is run by the Canadian Federal Government and only protects against[...]

Criminal Record Discrimination in Canada – Part I

January 23, 2013|Record Suspension, Uncategorized|

Is Criminal Record Discrimination Legal in Canada? Criminal Record Discrimination exists in Canada.  I'm sure this comes as no surprise.  You can be discriminated against for a criminal record, even if Pardoned (or Suspened) some cases. To understand why, I first need to give you a history lesson. Union of Canada Three Provinces, namely, the Province of Canada (which later became Ontario and Quebec), Nova Scotia and New Brunswick agreed to form a union in 1987. Since that time, the rest of the Provinces joined in. It was decided that for this union to work, the Federal Government would be[...]

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